What is Be Ye Transformed Academy 2.0?
The #1 online Transformation Academy for Believers to Manifest Their Life & Relationship Dreams & Goals!
The beginning and end of you achieving realistic and specific life and relationship goals begins and ends with you. During a period of 6 weeks, Jill and Treal will walk you step-by-step on how to set and achieve your relationship goals for 2021.
BYTA 2.0 is a experiential experience designed to provide you with transferable knowledge, skills, and abilities so that you can apply in real world situations as you seek to establish and maintain reciprocal, meaningful, and healthy relationships; starting with you and then with others . This is not another program that will dump modules into an online portal and tell you to have at it and wish you will.
The relationships goals that will be the foundation of this academy are the relationship with God, yourself, others and your money. You will have two accomplished coaches walk you step-by-step to develop a clear and concise goal achievement plan for your life and relationships.